Timadang Tarap of Kelawat Kota Belud Sabah East Malaysia North Borneo - Artocarpus odoratissimus

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North Borneo - Sabah - East Malaysia - Month of August - Lot of Timadang, Pulutan. (Bulan Ogos - Banyak Tarap, Bambangan, Langsat, Belunu, Durian, Mangis dsb.)
Natives of Kelawat Kota Belud Sabah East Malaysia call this fruit Timadang. Wikipedia named it Artocarpus odoratissimus.
The tree itself starts producing fruits by 5 years old. You can find fruits that touch the ground and as tall as 100 feet high if a Timadang tree has an extended life to 100 years old.
The skin is not as sharp as a nail tips, in fact blunt. However try making a scrapping contact with it with the back of your arm. Usually there this confusing and  irritating feeling on your head. You can describe the pain when a pin pricks your skin, but not this fruit. You'll see this white/milky sap on a fruit and stalk that was just plucked off from the mother tree. If this milky sap drops on your head then you'll be in trouble. I mean you hair stick together and bind. People here rub their hair with cooking oil to solve the problem.
A ripe Timadang fruit that can be eaten on site.
Not every body is good in  climbing Timadang tree. So, an improvised bamboo pole is used to pluck ripe fruits as high as 10-20 feet. The end of a bamboo pole is a Y shape where you place the Timadang stalk then break it off from the mother tree end and is held tightly without it slipping and falling to the ground. Instead of slipping, the stalk sometimes break off completely from the Y shaped things and you'll left empty handed. I mean the ripe fruit falls down and has a Timadang smashing the ground bursting and splashing out all its edible soft fleshes inside.
This Timadang fruit is just ripe and really nice to eat at this stage. This fruit belong to the medium sized 'tarap', measured at average of 8 -10 inches long and 6-8 inches across. Bigger fruit type is larger than a foot long. This one, the smell is not identifiable yet. Try beating lightly with your palm and a low thud sound is produced. The taste is a hints of warm cool sour and sweet. When left to ripe for the next day the smell is clear and identifiable as ripening Timadang notes. Left for the midday and the smell travel further, yet and another days, the smell is unbearably suffocating, seriously.
Ha see the soft fleshy thing in there. The size of this ball shaped parts is around 1 inch. Eat everything, no, just kidding, there is a small hard seed inside. Timadang seeds can be roasted and eaten. It high in carbohydrate. The flesh feels a bit harder than a cotton-ball, I mean fleshy soft. For those town people, soft as an icing in a cake.
 Cross section of Timadang outer skin.
Now the fleshy edible portion that sticks to this inner part has been cleaned up, by eating of course, and this the remnant. We people here say this thing 'badul', never mind what that.
An aftermath of an event of Tarap eating operation. Here what remain are seeds, outer skin, inner parts and some spoiled edible parts.
