North Borneo - Sabah - East Malaysia - Month of August - Lot of Timadang, Pulutan, Bambangan, Lansat, Bundu (Bulan Ogos - Banyak Tarap, Bambangan, Langsat, Belunu, Durian, Mangis dsb.)

Related topic -
Timadang Tarap of Kelawat Kota Belud Sabah East Malaysia North Borneo - Artocarpus odoratissimus
On a good year, that is when the rain and sun is good, fruit trees should flower, then the fruit. Anyway the month of  August is the time that fruit ripen. (Biasanya apabila cuaca baik, hujan turun dan matahri baik, pokok buah-buahan akan berbuah. Bulan Ogos ialah musim buah masak.)
The natives Dusun Tindal in Kelawat, Kota Belud call this tree Bundu. Picture here is a Bundu (Mangifera caesia) tree fruiting. This tree is about 40 feet tall. (Pokok Belunu. Di sekitar 40 kaki tinggi.)
Mind you some people are sensitive or allergic to Bundu sap or vapour or don't know what causes it. You'll tend to get rashes on your skin, on your face, whole body. Here people (person that gets the rash) put a piece of clothing strip around a Bundu trunk. Surprisingly rashes gone after a day or so.  (Ada orang yang sensitif pada Bundu, alahan. Ubatnya ialah orang yang terkena alahan itu akan mengikatkan seutas kain mengelilingi pokok Belunu.)
Bundu. Ahh this 'one' is ripe, and mind you, it falls by itself, the taste is sweet and sourish. Ripe Bundu smell strong if left for more than 2 days. (Buah Belunu rasanya tidaklah manis, tapi rasanya asam manis. Buahnya yang muda sedap dimakan dengan garam dan kicap.)
Bambangan (Mangifera pajang) on tree. About 30 feet tall. You can pluck with your hand this one because it's about 5 feet high from the ground. (Pokok Bambangan. Berbuah rendah, ketinggian 30 kaki. Tapi buah ini cuma di sekitar 5 kaki dari tapak kaki.)
Ripe Bambangan, fallen from the mother tree. Now there just a hint of Bambangan smell but not yet pronounced. Anyhow you know it surely is Bambangan smell. (Buah Bambangan yang jatuh dan masak tapi belum masak betul. Mulai mengeluarkan bau Bambangan.)
Bambangan outer skin peeled. The taste is sweet and sour. Some guys take this with sugar of course to make it sweeter. Still some take it with salt or flavouring and seasoning just to make taking it smoother. (Kulit luar Bambangan dikupas. Ada orang makan Bambangan dengan kicap dan garam dan cili untuk memenuhi keperluan selera.)
Lansat (Lansium domesticum). At the moment the taste is just sweet, a hint of sourish. Left for a week on tree it is normally be real sweet. If you see the black ant on fruits, it is a good sign that the fruit is as sweet as sugar. (Langsat ini rasa manis, tapi kena tunggu sekitar seminggu lagi untuk sangat manis).
Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana). Taste sweet-sour. (Buah Mangis masak - kali ini rasanya asam dan manis.)
Pulutan (Artocarpus integer) tree. Those fruits hanging up there are not yet matured. Good for vegetable anyway. (Pokok Cempedak dan buah yang belum matang dan sedap jika dibuat untuk lauk.).
You even find Pulutan fruits bedding on the ground level, hanging on exposed roots. Fruits up to the top of its height, about 50 feet tall. (Pokok Cempedak berbuah dari batang paling bawah dan juga akar yang terdedah hinggalah ke penghujung ketinggian pokok.)
See.. plennnn-ty of Pulutan fruits here. (Buah Puluuuu-tan saja.)
A Pulutan cut and the edible parts seen. This one is real sweet taste. Sweet as of, maybe, honey, believe me really sweet, and smell what... a hint of 'vanilla' ? Those white oozing sap are sticky and nasty on your lips and fingers, or where ever it sticks, don't try to tidy your hair with the sap on your hand. You really need oil e.g cooking oil, to clean this mess. Soap does not help. (Buah Pulutan dipotong dan bahagian isi yang boleh dimakan. Getahnya kurang menyenangkan jika terkena dan melekat pada rambut dan tangan ataupun bibir. Perlu menggunakan minyak makan untuk menanggalkan lekatan).
Timadang (Artocarpus odoratissimus). This one is over ripen, the smell is just not too OK. Anyhow some like to eat over ripen Timadang just like this one. Especially when you have no other Timadang to eat or maybe at that time you are starving. Or when there only one left there at the end of the ripening season. Too, people tastes differ. This over ripen Tarap taste sharp sweet.(Buah Tarap yang agak masak dan bau pun agak kuat. Banyak juga yang suka makan Tarap semasak ini. Selera berbeza jadi Tarap macam ini pun sedap saja dimakan.)
At this color state the smell is as ripening Tarap. You need to put your nose as close enough to know if it is a ripen Tarap. Mind you Tarap skin is very rough. (Buah tarap yang sudah masak dan bau Tarap masak dalam gambar ini mulai boleh dikenalpasti. Kulit tarap agak kasar dan tidak menyenangkan jika buahnya terjatuh pada bahagian badan yang terdedah.)
A matured Tarap fruit that needs 1 to 3 days to get ripe. (Buah tarap yang matang dan perlu 1-3 hari untuk masak.)
A Tarap fruit that has fallen to the ground from a 20 feet tall tree. That is after your long bamboo device with 'Y' shaped end thing, used to pluck the Timadang up there, failed to hold on and the stalk slips or snaps. You left with nothing, but looking at the picture, you probably will quickly look around, up, left and right thinking something, but you're alone, then try to pick those edible parts that are still OK. You see this fruit did not fall on dirty surface but actually on acceptable 'organic substance' fiber things.. (Buah tarap yang berkecai apabila gagal teknik menjolok mengguna buluh panjang dengan bentuk 'Y' di hujung. Ini saja buah yang masak dan agar tidak 'kepunan' maka pandai-pandai sajalah berurusan dengan alam.)

Related topic -
Timadang Tarap of Kelawat Kota Belud Sabah East Malaysia North Borneo - Artocarpus odoratissimus
