Our Neighbors Also:North Borneo Common Living Things (Inipun jiran juga)

Related Topics [Topik yang berkaitan]:-
1. Common Birds of North Borneo I: Fellow Neighbours, living among us (Burung Borneo Utara, Sabah: Jiran kebiasaan)
2. Common Birds of North Borneo II: Neighbors (Burung Borneo Utara, Sabah: Jiran di kampung)

There were a lot of these crawlers called Tu-ngal by the natives Dusun Tindal of Kampung Kelawat, Kota Belud, flying around and round a light bulb at one early evening, this one is a queen perhaps. A few prospecting four legged creatures on the ceiling homing their eyes on these crawlers. The length of this ant is about 9 mm. (Banyak semut, yang dipanggil Tu-ngal oleh orang Dusun Tindal Kampung Kelawat, Kota Belud, berterbangan yang tertarik kepada lampu elektrik. Semut ini bersayap. Banyak semut menjadi makanan cicak pada malam itu. Ukuran semut dari kepala ke hujung belakang ialah 9 mm.)

Close-up of the head. The antenna is 3 mm long, eye .5 mm across. (Gambar dekat bahagian kepala semut - model semut ini kering. Ukuran sesungut 3 mm panjang mata .5 mm diameter.)

This crawler without the wings. This ant is dead anyhow.

This guy was one of the prospectors for the winged ants (queen ants) that were attracted to a bright light bulb. (Di antara cicak yang memakan semut bersayap (ratu semut).Orang Asli Dusun Tindal di Kampung Kelawat, Kota Belud panggil ini kawan, gambarnya di bawah, Gon-tui, Gon-tu-lak.)

One early morning this one was the few of  the flyers around, they were warming up under the morning light (sun not yet up) and you can take pictures closer than usual.  This butterfly (but look like a moth) keeps on chasing next-of-kins, protecting one good leave here. (Rama-rama yang jinak di awal pagi, senang didekati untuk mengambil gambar dekat, sedekat 10 cm.)

Warming ones wings. Natives Dusun Tindal call this butterfly as Koli-bam-bang. (Orang Asli Dusun Tindal panggil ini Koli-bam-bang.)

This butterfly was quite permissive, and allows you to take pictures a distance as close as 10 cm from the front of a camera lens. Ya that early morning of course, here that around 6 o'clock. (Di sekitar jam 6 pagi rama-rama ini membenarkan gambarnya diambil dekat. Mungkin dia sedang memanaskan badan.)

Here in Kelawat, Kota Belud, the Natives Dusun Tindal call this guy Go-du - anyway that grass-hopper. Not the one that sings a high pitched sound in the evening. Too, this guy allows you to take pictures as close as 12 cm from the front glass. The eye seem opened so probably saw the camera. (Orang Asli Dusun Tindal Kampung Kelawat, Kota Belud panggil ini  serangga 'Go-du'.)
Related Topics [Topik yang berkaitan]:-
1. Common Birds of North Borneo I: Fellow Neighbours, living among us (Burung Borneo Utara, Sabah: Jiran kebiasaan)
2. Common Birds of North Borneo II: Neighbors (Burung Borneo Utara, Sabah: Jiran di kampung)
