[A layman story - peopling of North Borneo]
Related topics:
1. The Haplogroup M and its subclade Haplogroup E1a1a (mtDNA) of the natives Kadazan Dusun Murut at Kelawat
2. The Haplogroup O2(P31) or O2-P31 Y-DNA among the Natives of Kelawat
3. The Haplogroup M - (E1a1a) (mtDNA) of the natives Kadazan Dusun Murut at Kelawat
Borneo Natives |
Haplogroup JT among indigenous Kadazan Dusun+Rungus found
A thesis discovered a very interesting finding, that 10 individuals from the 300 Kadazan Dusun+Rungus (KD+Rungus)
participants have the Haplogroup JT (mtDNA). That quiet a number, 10 out of
300 individuals, afterall this is North Borneo - Sabah, right? Read the thesis here -
http://studentsrepo.um.edu.my/4576/ -
Assessment and Analysis of Genomic Diversity and Bio-markers in Sabahan
Indigenous Populations by Dr. Kee Boon Pin, 2014.
Typical Dusun Tindal tribe of Kelawat
Kota Belud, Sabah-Maalysia |
Ancient times theory - foreign traders from far in the islands of South East Asia
The theory, perhaps thousands of years ago Island South-East Asia was one of the places that attracted traders from far. China, India and West Asia could be among the countries that made businesses in Borneo in the ancient times.
She said she's a natives Lun Dayeh from the District of Sipitang, Sabah. |
Haplogroup (mtDNA) for Kadazan Dusun + Rungus of North Borneo
The writer used 300 DNA samples from the indigenous Kadazan Dusun [150] and Rungus [150] individuals in the analysis. The thesis shows the Haplogroups of these tribes as listed below in descending order. [Only number count 10 and above shown here].
Faces of admixture natives. |
Haplogroup=Number of Kadazan Dusun+Rungus=Total
1. R9c1a=26+21=47 [
story of this Haplogroup found here - December 12, 2016]
2. M7c3c=19+23=42
3. E1a1a=12+28=40 [
related blog dated October 14, 2012]
4. M7b1'2'4'5'6'7'8+16192=33+3=36
5. D5b1c1=7+23=30
6. B4a1a =5+12=17
7. E1b+1621=7+9=16
8. JT=6+4=10
Natives Dusun Tindal from Kota Belud |
Ancient traders in Borneo
Perhaps traders have sailed to this region to source for precious metals from the Philippines and Borneo, spices from the Celebes, and forest products such as timber and agarwood from Borneo. One might believe the his-story of Spice Trade that said to have started around 3000B.C. Spice traders sailed from as far as Europe to the Far East..
All in a family, faces of natives from Kelawat Kota Belud |
Traders set up post and collection center in Borneo
Perhaps these traders and sailors were comprised of married and unmarried people when they set sail. Some of them might have put up collection centers and trading posts in Borneo. Married men might brought in with them their wife and children. Perhaps businesses were good and they stayed here for many years.
Natives Dusun Tindal participating in a wedding. |
Those manning the posts might have gone to the jungle too. With the natives they collected jungle products. Perhaps they trapped elephants for the ivory, apes and birds for pets, to be sold later at their homeland. They could have mined for precious metals like gold and silver.
Natives Dusun Tindal kids participants at their aunt's wedding. |
Traders and families stranded in Borneo
Others sailed back home, with bountiful goods. While the others stayed back. Maybe some of their ships were wrecked by waves at sea and sank, perhaps they
were attacked by pirates, crews and ships captured. Perhaps their country was
invaded and ruled by a new ruler, and ships that promised to return
never arrived to bring them back home.
Natives Dusun Tindal teenagers. |
After long years of waiting for their ships to come ashore to pick them up, they eventually realized that they were being forgotten and abandoned. No ship will ever come. Anyhow some of them might have like this place and choose not to return back home. Perhaps many of them stayed with the natives in the interior of Borneo. After years perhaps those single males and even married men get married to the natives. Or perhaps wife of traders became the wife of the natives. Thousand years latter their descendants become the natives of Borneo.
Another teenagers Dusun Tindal |
Traders from West Asia and Haplogroup JT
Perhaps West Asian traders couples in Borneo gave births to many children that became the husband and wife to the sons and daughters of the natives. (Anyway could have became the husbands and wives too.) These West Asian mothers DNA produced the mtDNA Haplogroup JT found now in the indigenous Kadazan Dusun Murut.
Natives Kadazan Dusun adults. |
This thesis (-
Assessment and Analysis of Genomic Diversity and Bio-markers in Sabahan
Indigenous Populations -
http://studentsrepo.um.edu.my/4576/), found that Kadazan Dusun Murut carry the mtDNA Haplogroup JT. The thesis mentioned that Haplogroup JT is not found in South-east Asia. That is, other than North Borneo-Sabah the Haplogroup JT is not found elsewhere in this region. Mothers or women were among these West Asian traders. Now they became the ancestors of all indigenous Kadazan Dusun Murut that carry the Haplogroup JT.
Born in the 40's natives Dusun Tindal |
Another faces of Dusun Tindal natives. |
Land of Ophir could be the Far East and Borneo
Jewish Nevi'im/Hebrew Bible and Christian Bible (1 Kings 9 and 10) mentioned that King Solomon and King Hiram I made a joint expedition to the land of Ophir. They brought back with
them gold, silver, algumwood, pearls, ivory, apes and peacocks from
Ophir. They traveled far, therefore trips were being done once in three years time
because land of Ophir is far, very far form West Asia. Perhaps King Solomon and King Hiram I sailed to Borneo - North Borneo.
All natives Dusun Tindal. |
Borneo seem fits as Land of Ophir of 1 Kings 9 and 10
Now Borneo still have the apes, orang utan (forest man), algumwood (perhaps specialty woods for building materials or agarwood, whatsoever Borneo have it)
and peacocks, ivory of elephants, pearls, silver and gold. Land of Ophir in the
Bible might be Borneo or included Borneo because it fits well the description of the Nevtim/Torah and Bible. North Borneo
has the Haplogroup JT the same JT that people have in countries
where King Solomon and Hiram I lived before, West Asia. Perhaps King Solomon sourced from the forest of Borneo for some of the building materials for the Solomon Temple.
Another teen natives Dusun Tindal. |
Mount Ophir and Mount Kinabalu
Again North Borneo has the JT the ancestor for the DNA (mtDNA) of the people of West Asia and European countries that is the Haplogroup J. Perhaps Mount Ophir is Mount Kinabalu 4,101 meter (13,455 feet). Borneo could be the Eden of the East. JT might be the DNA left by the West Asian people that did not return back to their homeland. Now become the ancestor to some of the indigenous people in North Borneo-Sabah called Kadazan Dusun Murut.
Too natives faces. |
Indigenous of North Borneo - Sabah the Kadazan Dusun+Rungus
The 300 KD+Rungus DNA samples in the said thesis were taken from indigenous individuals that are currently residing around the town of Jesselton-Kota Kinabalu. Perhaps these indigenous KD+Rungus came from their respective districts of the West Coast of Sabah.
Typical natives Dusun Tindal faces. |
Anyway to enrich this interesting findings, perhaps a collaborated study is needed in order to get a comprehensive DNA profile of the indigenous throughout North Borneo-Sabah. Might also reveals a few more interesting information about peopling of Borneo Island (Kalamantan Island).
Natives Dusun Tindal kiddies |
Say, DNA samples of the indigenous Kadazan Dusun Murut from the settlements around mountain ranges and river valleys, like Tambunan, Ranau, Kundasang, Bundu Tuhan,
Kiau, Kiulu, Telupid, Tuaran, Tamparuli, Keningau, Kadamaian, Toburon,
Sayap, Sonsogon, Gana, Marak Parak, Pitas, Tandek, Kota
Marudu, Labuk, Sugut, Lahad Datu, Tongod, Kinabatangan, Banggi Island,
Penangah, Tenom, Nabawan, Melalap, Pensiangan, Serudong, Sembakung,
Sipitang, Pagalungan,
Sapulut, Long Pasia, Kunak, Segama, Beluran, Paitan and so on.
Also natives Dusun Tindal |
Typical males natives of Borneo |
Natives Dusun Tindal from Kelawat Kota Belud - family picture.
Anyway since Haplogroup JT is a mtDNA (maternal marker) the Y-DNA (paternal marker) is needed further to find out the Haplogroup(s) of the males population of the indigenous Kadazan Dusun Murut. Perhaps some of the Kadazan Dusun Murut males too might have the Haplogroup J1, J2 and E1b1b of the West Asian people. The probability is based upon the possibility of ancient traders in Borneo and the existence of Haplogroup JT among the indigenous Kadazan Dusun and Rungus as revealed by the above said thesis. It is just as interesting to learn just a few more genealogy facts about the natives and how people came and populate Borneo in the past.
Dusun Tindal natives from the West Coast of Sabah Malaysia |
Location of all pictures in this post except the sixth and second last.
Related topics:
1. The Haplogroup M and its subclade Haplogroup E1a1a (mtDNA) of the natives Kadazan Dusun Murut at Kelawat
2. The Haplogroup O2(P31) or O2-P31 Y-DNA among the Natives of Kelawat
3. The Haplogroup M - (E1a1a) (mtDNA) of the natives Kadazan Dusun Murut at Kelawat
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